Keneshia Hibbert receives Prestigious Graduate Fellowship Program (GFP)
Keneshia Hibbert, a Ph.D. student Fellow from CESSRST II Cohort 2 was selected for the NOAA EPP/MSI Graduate Fellowship Program (GFP) in June 2024. Her year-long engagement in the GFP starts on September 1, 2024, at NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service’s Center for Satellite Applications and Research (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR) in College Park, MD, under the mentorship of Dr. Tom Smith, a NOAA Research Scientist. “The EPP/MSI GFP is designed to serve as a future workforce pipeline to NOAA for qualified students currently supported at EPP/MSI Cooperative Science Centers and pursuing a graduate degree in a discipline aligned with NOAA’s mission.
For full Press release, visit https://www.noaa.gov/office-education/epp-msi/news/congratulations-to-2024-eppmsi-graduate-fellowship-program-recipients
About EPP/MSI Graduate Fellowship Program
The EPP/MSI Graduate Fellowship Program is designed to serve as a future workforce pipeline to NOAA for qualified students currently supported at EPP/MSI Cooperative Science Centers and pursuing a graduate degree in a discipline aligned with NOAA’s mission. The selected fellows participate in professional development training and a year-long experiential opportunity at a NOAA facility – Read More