Dr. Tarendra Lakhankar Receives the Prestigious 2022 CCNY President’s S.T.A.R. Award
Dr. Tarendra Lakhankar received the 2022 CCNY President’s S.T.A.R. award on October 24, 2022, for his fourteen years of exemplary service to the City College of New York (CCNY) including extraordinary achievements in academia and research. The CCNY President’s S.T.A.R. award stands for Service, Teamwork, Action, and Results.
Dr. Lakhankar has contributed to the CUNY Remote Sensing of Earth Science and Technology Institute (CREST), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) CREST (2011-2016), and NOAA Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies (CESSRST) (2016-present) in various capacities including scientific research, education and training, teaching/pedagogy and administration. Currently, across NOAA CESSRST Centers, Dr. Lakhankar leads the Water Prediction and Ecosystem Services theme’s team of faculty and researchers. Also, he has been instrumental in developing collaborative projects with CESSRST partner institutions and contributes towards generating extramural funding and training opportunities for students across multiple departments by creating interdisciplinary projects that are made available to all deserving students at undergraduate and graduate levels.