International Sattelite Cloud Climatology Project D2 dataset


Selected variables from the ISCCP-D2 monthly mean dataset, as well as the entire D2 product (new algorithm) are available here for the period July 1983 through June 2009.

Available Variables in the subset

  • Mean cloud amount
  • Mean cloud pressure
  • Mean cloud temperature
  • Mean cloud TAU
  • Mean cloud WP
  • Mean CA for Cumulus,liquid+ice
  • Mean CA for Stratocumulus,liquid+ice
  • Mean CA for Stratus,liquid +ice
  • Mean CA for Altocumulus,liquid+ice
  • Mean CA for Altostratus,liquid+ice
  • Mean CA for Nimbostratus,liquid+ice
  • CA for Cirrus
  • CA for Cirrostratus
  • CA for Deep convective
  • TS from clear sky composite
  • RS from clear sky composite

To download the subset dataset, a README file and sample IDL read code click here.

Note: This is only a subset of the variables that are contained in the D2 dataset. The full dataset is available from the ISCCP archives. The monthly mean files ,the monthly-hourly mean files that describe the diurnal cycle for each month-year, as well as an ancillary file describing the map grid, are available at the ISCCP download site or here . Full documentation for the ISCCP-D2 dataset, and references can be found at the ISCCP website ISCCP Documentation of New Cloud Datasets (779K).